
Assigning members to stages, themes and grids

The ability to assign a member to a task or an element was released a short while back.

This release builds on that logic by now allowing the assignment of members to stages, themes and grids.

So, now, you can share out roles and responsibilities at an even more comprehensive level to facilitate the management of all aspects of your business operations: from the project level (grid) through to the sub-project level (stages/themes) right down to individual tasks.

New features like this need a load of notifications to support them; hence, this feature release also includes a load of additional notification settings.

These can be managed at the personal level or at an overall account level (as updated by one of your architect members). We have also taken this opportunity to tweak the notification options so that you can now decide your email options as either: off, instant, daily summary or daily summary & instant.

All dashboard tables will be brought inline with these new features in another imminent sprint; as always, we are keen to maintain the fast momentum of our development roadmap.

In summary, this is another new feature we are excited to get out to our (brilliant) user community – as designed to make your business operations hum!

You can follow our development roadmap here (enabling structured knowledge + project/task management = repeatable professional service excellence).

Next up for our fast-moving development team?

We will be working on the first iteration of the executive overview dashboard table.

This will provide an overview of all grids across the account and will become increasingly sophisticated and in-depth over the next few weeks (see below for a glimpse into the not-so-distant-future).

Executive Dashboard Phase 1 is due for release on 13 March 2020. 

Please continue to keep the feedback and new feature ideas coming (there is nothing we like more).

Is there a feature you would love to see us add to our development stack? If so, please let us know in the comments below or email [email protected]

About the Author

Tom Knights is a co-founder of Method Grid (a platform on which to design, build and share your methodologies and procedures). Tom is a graphic designer and has always had a passion for art and design. He tries to use design to engage, inspire and educate across all forms of media.

Connect with Tom on LinkedIn

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