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GRIDtalks: Sharing P3M best practices | 2024 in Review
Over the past year, the Method Grid team have held a variety of different GRIDtalks covering topics from across the landscape of P3M best practice. From events held in conjunction with industry thought leaders to our own knowledge sharing, 2024...
The importance of preboarding employees
It is a striking fact that 30% of job seekers leave their job within 90 days of starting their new...
What is crossboarding and what should it include?
The benefits of well-organised staff onboarding are undeniable and it is often seen that organisations with the highest levels of...
What is employee onboarding and why do you need it?
As a business grows it inevitably needs to hire staffing to meet an ever-increasing number of roles. It is self-evidently...
Coronavirus: Construction Site Reopening Checklist
Here in England, construction workers were instructed to return to work from Wednesday 13th May. Prior to this, many sites...
Visual Management in Risk Management
Before we get going, an introduction and an important credit. This blog discussing visual management in risk management was very...
Coronavirus: Construction Site Shutdown Checklist & Process
With the Coronavirus pandemic gripping the world, construction sites everywhere will be facing the prospect of closing down for an...
Featured Post
Coronavirus: Construction Site Shutdown Checklist & Process
With the Coronavirus pandemic gripping the world, construction sites everywhere will be facing the prospect of closing down for an unknown period of time. In every industry, a period of extended closure brings with it a long list of tasks...
Taking Over as Project Manager – The Golden Principle
In my last blog, I examined three key areas a project manager should consider when taking over an existing project....
10 questions to help your business reflect on last year – and re-focus for this year!
For the successful growth of any business, it is vital to conduct regular strategic reviews that allow you to take...
Santa Project Managing Christmas
It is January and whilst the rest of us are still trying to work off the mince pie calories from...
09: The Art of Gridding | Benefits Management
A key benefit of a Method Grid account is the Method Grid Store – a growing collection of free grids...
The Art of Gridding | Grids as Agile Frameworks
We are constantly blown away by the incredible variety of uses that Method Grid is put to. In this post,...
08: The Art of Gridding | Example Lesson Plan (Training Module) Template
As experienced Gridders quickly learn, grids can be used to capture a vast array of organizational knowledge – from structured...