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New Embeds Content Area

You can now embed other platforms into your Method Grid elements and stages gates....


NEW FEATURE: Get your colleagues attention with an @mention

The ability to write comments in Method Grid, at multiple levels (grid library, individual grids, individual elements) has been in...


NEW FEATURE: Progress Tracking

Finally, after weeks of careful UX design, iterative development and testing, it is here … Our new (version 05) release...



The Method Grid devops team have been on fire this week! Hot on the heels of our new folder functionality...


NEW FEATURE: Grid folders

This blog announces a significant new feature to your Method Grid platform: the introduction of grid folders (and a whole...



At a recent out-of-office team summit (July 2018), we spent a good portion of our time discussing and planning the...


NEW FEATURE: Adding members

In this new feature we have changed how new members are added to your Method Grid platform. The Architects members...

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NEW FEATURE: Adding members

In this new feature we have changed how new members are added to your Method Grid platform. The Architects members panel has been redesigned to allow for easier member addition, and member management, for larger teams. The builder and user...


NEW FEATURE: Element links

In this latest release, we further refine your ability to add different link-based content areas to your elements. Now, you...


NEW FEATURE: Element auto-save

In this week’s upgrade release we bring you another feature that many have asked for: element auto-saving. One of the...


NEW FEATURE: In-app notifications

Now that we are out of beta, with a full-time development team, expect to see the cadence of feature update...


Method Grid out of beta!

Over two years since we first gathered around a white board sketch and said “I wonder if …” and after...


NEW FEATURE: Video embeds and grid exports

Our latest release contains two requested features: video embeds (additional to YouTube) and the ability to export a grid to...


NEW FEATURE: Text Editor

Many of you asked us for a richer set of tools for text editing within Method Grid – specifically within...

GRIDtalk Assuring Delivery | Method Grid and managing residual risk | April 25th 1pm Register