Our latest feature release includes the introduction of different element types based on whether your elements are for information only or they are to be completed.
We have also introduced status indicators on your elements when viewing the grid to show the status of the tasks within the element.
Finally, to help you manage your elements, we have also added the ability to apply a RAG rating to them.
Element Types
There are now three types of element within Method Grid:
Completable (with sub-tasks)
These are elements that have tasks within them. These elements can be completed based on the completion of the tasks within them i.e. once 100% of the tasks within the element have been completed, the element is automatically marked as complete.
Completable (no sub-tasks)
These are elements that do not have tasks within them, but can now be completed using the new element complete feature. To complete these elements you simply check the tick box. This enables actionable elements without the need for any containing tasks. Actionable elements without tasks can only be completed by the user that is assigned to them. If no user is assigned, then anyone with view access to the grid can complete them. Users with edit and manage access to the grid can complete any element, irrespective of whether it is assigned to them or another user.
Note: This element type is the default when creating new elements. You can then add tasks if needed or you can use the information-only toggle to set the element as information-only, see below.
Information only
These are elements that have no tasks within them and that you do not want to be actionable i.e. they do not need to be completed. These elements will not have the new element complete checkbox feature.
To set an element as information only:
- Open the element
- Click the information button (i icon) top right
- In the element settings section you can now toggle information-only yes or no