
NEW FEATURE: Personalised homepage and guided learning journey

Now that version 06 (configurable access control) is behind us, expect to see a much faster rate of new releases to your Method Grid platform – as per the direction set by our recent user survey

First up, is a new homepage and “first use” experience. 

This release is designed to make the early on-boarding experience more engaging – both for the initial “founding architect” but also for all new colleagues added to a platform. 

Following the version 06 release, every member of an account can practice building grids (as a minimum, in their private grids folder) and, with this latest enhancement, new members to your account are now guided/encouraged to learn about the platform’s feature set – to fully understand the benefits it can bring to your collaborative practices. 

The redesigned homepage also includes a handy, recently-visited grids section and your latest notifications. 

So, regardless of your Gridder experience, we encourage you to take a look at this revamp – and to commence the guided learning journey towards becoming a fully-fledged Method Grid expert! 

Next up – the technical team are now working on a fundamental UX overhaul of the main grid presentation – including the ability to have multiple-element wide stages. 

Is there a feature you would love to see us add to our development stack? If so, please let us know in the comments below or email [email protected] 


New Embeds Content Area

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We would love to hear from you …


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GRIDtalk Assuring Delivery | Method Grid and managing residual risk | April 25th 1pm Register