
Microsoft Teams Integration Moving to Workflows

Microsoft Teams logos

Following the announcement from Microsoft that they are retiring Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams, our Teams integration has been migrated to use Workflows.

On the 3rd July 2024, Microsoft announced the retirement of Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams. The Method Grid Teams chat integration used the Office 365 webhooks connector to connect your grids to your Teams chats and channels. This webhook connector is being retired and we must migrate this integration to use Microsoft Workflows in Teams.

Please note the following:

  1. This is a breaking change from Microsoft, so you will need to change any existing webhook connectors you have configured in Method Grid and Teams to use the new Workflows webhook (see below).
  2. This change does not impact the Slack or Google Chat Method Grid webhook chat integrations. If you use these integrations, no action is required and they will continue to work as before.

How to change your existing Teams webhook chat integrations to the new Workflows integration

Changing your existing Teams chat notification integrations is the same as creating a new Teams chat integration using our new Workflows integration:

  1. Open Teams and find the chat or channel in which you have configured a Method Grid webhook O365 connector.
  2. Remove the existing O365 webhook connector following the instructions here (note that you do not have to remove this connection, if left, it will simply stop working).
  3. Create a new Workflow for the chat or channel and connect it to the required grid following the instructions here.

Limitations and advantages of the new Workflows integration

Workflows come with a number of disadvantages and advantages compared to the previous O365 webhook connector:

  1. Workflows will send the notifications into the Teams channel/chat from the Microsoft user that configured the Workflow. This cannot be changed and is a Microsoft limitation on Workflows.
  2. Workflows will append a self promotion note to each notification “[name of user] used a Workflow template to send this card. Get template”. This cannot be changed and is a Microsoft limitation on Workflows.
  3. Workflows cannot post webhook requests into private channels so you can only post these notifications in chats or public channels. This cannot be changed and is a Microsoft limitation on Workflows.
  4. Workflows give you more options to create complex workflows trigged by the notifications you receive from Method Grid. You can learn more here.

Help and feedback

If you have any feedback or questions relating to this change, please get in touch.

What’s next?

We will be adding an account level Gantt for complete portfolio visibility and management. You can see all of our upcoming releases in our product roadmap.

About the Author

Jody is the head of product at Method Grid. Jody has a career in development and technology stretching back to 2000 when he started his career at NEC running service operations. Since then he has worked on web projects in numerous industries from legal IT to academic services that have all harnessed his development and technical marketing expertise. 

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