Connecting Your Teams Across RIBA Stages for Seamless Execution If you use RIBA Stages as the foundation of your project delivery lifecycle, this session will be perfect for you. The session will explore how to connect teams across disciplines— client, investment, project, cost, design, and procurement —to create an integrated delivery playbook. Join us Wednesday, […]
Hot on the heals of customisable label colors, we bring you our latest feature (for professional/paying users); the ability to set the core colors of Method Grid to your own brand color palette, or to any color combination (up to 3 colors) you choose.
Coupled with the logo upload feature, you can now tailor Method Grid presentationally to incorporate these major aspects of your organizations brand identity.
Setting your colors is simple. You will see 3 color swatches in the ‘Color settings’ panel that show the main Method Grid colors that you can replace. Changing the dark blue will change anything that is dark blue, changing the light blue will change anything light blue and changing the red (you guessed it!) will change anything that is red. Once happy with your choice, scroll down and be sure to click the tick at the bottom of the ‘Color settings’ panel to save your new selection.
See screenshots below showing before and after examples.
Domain settings page with default color palette
User home page in default color palette
Domain settings page with customised color palette in line with own brand
User home page in customised, own brand color palette
Next up for our fast-moving development team?
The design team is on the verge of locking down our project and programme management feature set (assigning ownership to tasks, elements stages, themes and grids, scheduling due dates, dashboard reporting to name a few of them). Once this is done we will be breaking the features down into bite sized, fortnightly development sprints, so stay tuned for regular app updates in this area. Before development begins in earnest on that, we hope to turn our attentions to Single Sign-On (SSO), to help users login more easily.
Please continue to keep the feedback and new feature ideas coming (there is nothing we like more).
Is there a feature you would love to see us add to our development stack? If so, please let us know in the comments below or email [email protected]