
Add and manage links to websites, elements and grids

New links area

A new and improved links area for links to websites and to other elements or grids in your account

In our latest feature release, we have made improvements to the way you add and manage links in your elements.

New links area in edit mode

As part of this release, we have merged the web links area and the element links area into one new area called the links area. In this area you can add and manage links to websites/intranets, other elements in your account and a new option for links to other grids in your account. The video below provides a quick overview or keep reading for more.


Website links

You can quickly add and manage links to websites, intranets or anything with a link.

Web links area


Element links

You can add links to other elements in your account. These can be within the same grid or in any grid within your Method Grid account. The simple search tool lets you search for elements within your account and add them as links within your elements. This gives you endless choices when creating and interlinking processes or methodologies.

Link to elements

Grid links

The new links area has a new feature that lets you link to other grids within your account from your elements. The simple search tool lets you search for grids within your account and add them as links within your elements. With grid links you can build interlinking processes and methodologies across your account.

Link to grids

Element and grid links in cloned grids

When you clone a grid to create a specific instance for a project or process, Method Grid will scan the grid during the clone process and maintain your link structure. For instance, if you clone a grid that has elements linking to other elements within that grid, the newly cloned version of that grid will maintain these links within the new grid, not link back to the master version of the grid.

When you clone a folder of grids, Method Grid will also scan all of these grids and maintain any interlinking between the grids in the cloned folder e.g. links from elements to other grids in the cloned folder will be updated to link to the newly cloned versions of the grids in the new folder. In this way you can build up a set of interlinked grids within folders that maintain their link structure when you clone the folder. You can learn more about folder cloning here.

About the Author

Jody is the head of product at Method Grid. Jody has a career in development and technology stretching back to 2000 when he started his career at NEC running service operations. Since then he has worked on web projects in numerous industries from legal IT to academic services that have all harnessed his development and technical marketing expertise. 

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