
New Profile Field For Links

You can now add links to your member's profiles

We have added a new custom profile field for links (URLs) so you can now add custom links to your member’s profile pages. This can be useful to add links to your team member’s social profiles, internal contact links and anything else you can think of.

How to add URL (link) fields to your member’s profiles

Account architects (super admins) only can configure custom profile fields for your member profiles.

Default profile fields

To do this:

  1. Go to account settings (click your profile image to access this)
  2. Select the profile fields tab
  3. You will now see the system default profile fields (these cannot be changed):
    1. Email
    2. First name
    3. Last name
    4. Password
  4. You can add new custom fields by clicking the plus button, there are 4 profile field types available:
    1. Single-line text box
    2. Multi-line text box
    3. Drop-down box
    4. URL text box
  5. Select URL text box and then complete the details
    1. Name of profile field – this describes the field e.g. LinkedIn Profile
    2. Is this field mandatory? This defaults to no, set it to yes if you want your members to complete this field before they can save their profile
    3. Profile field type – select URL text box
    4. Enter link text – this will be the text your members click on to follow the link e.g. View LinkedIn Profile
  6. Click the tick to save your new profile field

Add url profile field

You can also edit custom profile fields, delete them and change the order in which they appear on your team member’s profile.

Edit custom profile fields

Now, when your team members edit their profile, they can add a link.

Team member profile with a link

You can learn more about custom profile fields in our knowledge base.

Stay in touch

If you have any feedback on this feature, or any feedback on Method Grid in general, please get in touch on our community or by emailing [email protected].



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