If your account has access to our read-only grids feature, users of your public knowledge can now quickly and easily search all the content within the grid.
Note: Read-only grids are not available for all accounts, please contact us if you would like access to this feature.
What are read-only grids?
Accounts with access to the read-only grids feature can publish any grid in their account as a public link, users can then use this as a read-only knowledge resource. All the content in the grid is available, only the project delivery aspects are hidden/disabled e.g. task completion, scheduling, RAG, assignment etc.
As an example of this, you can view Network Rail’s read-only grid implementation here. This represents the complete digitalisation of the Network Rail PACE framework, you can learn more about this project here.
How to search read-only grids
The search within read-only grids works in the same way as the standard search within a standard Method Grid full featured account grid. Simply open the grid and click the search icon to begin: