The Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) grid is part of a wider Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) grid series that helps companies add financial and non-financial value to their proposition. As ESG takes on ever greater resonance amongst investors and the public, the authors of this grid (MSS Global) have drawn on their international expertise in business and human rights assurance to develop a straight-forward, accessible support framework to guide you through this critical area.
What is human rights due diligence (HRDD)?
Human rights are basic rights and freedoms for everyone based on dignity, fairness, equality and respect. An organisation may affect people’s human rights, positively or negatively, through its own activities and through its wider business relationships.
Human rights due diligence (HRDD) focuses on a concern for human rights within the entirety of an enterprise’s operation (HQ, subsidiaries and supply chain). A human rights due diligence (HRDD) process is a comprehensive, logical approach by which enterprises can proactively identify, avoid and prevent adverse impacts on peoples’ human rights, across all of their activities.
Once risks have been identified, a strategy can then be established which prioritises action internally, and across the value chain, and then monitors that action to ensure it continually remains effective.
Human rights due diligence has been a major focus of the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in recent years.
Why is this topic important?
There are a number of emergent governance trends that place increasing emphasis on the human rights due diligence topic for business leaders. For example, mandatory human rights due diligence legislation is on the cards for European Union companies and is, increasingly, becoming an integral component of investment decision making.
What is in this Human Rights Due Diligence process framework?
MSS Global’s Human Rights Due Diligence grid is a framework that draws on international best practice following a plan-do-check-act methodology to guide you through designing and implementing a HRDD approach in your own organization, project and, for larger enterprises, across the entire supply chain.
The toolbox brings human rights due diligence to life and uniquely both captures relevant knowledge resources and facilitates the project management of such an exercise.