Example Grids

Staff Induction Programme Examples
Sample Plans / Templates

Use Method Grid to create bespoke staff induction programs.

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Staff Induction

Induction Programme Examples

A new joiner’s first impression of the organization they are joining will have a significant bearing on their ability to quickly integrate in, their overall job satisfaction and, ultimately, the likelihood of them staying with that organization. Carefully-curated, well-managed staff induction programs are central to supporting a successful entry process and ensuring this positive and professional first impression.

Method Grid is the perfect platform on which to develop (and continuously-improve!) content-rich staff induction programs. From your “master” staff induction grid, individual programmes / plans can then be quickly created for individual inductees. The additional feature of element labelling can be used as a powerful tracking overlay – to easily keep track of staff progress through, and confidence in, their specific induction plans.

To help illustrate this – and to get you started – we have created two staff induction programme examples; one based on a 12-week timeframe and another based on a priority categorisation. As an aside, we use the latter approach when we induct new colleagues into the growing team at Method Grid – see related blog.

Who might these induction programme examples be useful for?

The induction programme sample grids are a must-have for any organization looking to build a structured, repeatable, easy-to-follow on-boarding process. Completely customisable, the grids include core topic areas and a host of induction module (element) ideas that are typically to be found in comprehensive staff induction programs.

How is it best used?

The induction programme example template should be bespoke-developed as a general “master” reference for your organization’s induction procedure. Under the many suggested element areas, content specific to your organization and circumstances can be added to bring the grid to life. You will also want to reschedule/reprioritise the modules (drag-and-drop the elements) across the program according to your needs – remembering not to overwhelm new staff in the early stages!

This master grid template can then be easily cloned to make unique grid instances for each new joiner – with further tailoring, as necessary, for their individual situation and job role. These specific-individual staff induction grids can be easily color labelled, module-by-module, to annotate confidence-related progress through the plan – thus facilitating dynamic HR overview and support intervention.

What does it consist of?

These example grids lay out a suggested staff induction methodology – one across an illustrative 12-week plan and one organised by three priority categories. The grids include c. 75 module (element) ideas within a number of common-topic themes (rows):

  • Company overview – including vision, mission & objectives, core values, org. structures, key staff, brand awareness, market and competitor overview etc.
  • HR and legal requirements – including basic employment contract admin, payroll, holiday, pension etc.
  • Career Management – including mentor assignment, overview of professional development systems, performance reviews etc.
  • Company Policies – staff handbook and core company policies etc.
  • Training – including role specific, general professional development, tech, software and systems etc.
  • Orientation – including building tours, departmental oversight, colleague introductions etc.
  • Tools and resources – including computers, phones, cars, email, key apps etc.

Induction Programme Example Process Plan Staff


Induction programme example element template

Induction Programme Example Process Plan Staff Label

Related Resources

Read our case study detailing how Method Grid enabled staff induction at the Pi Group

Listen to the interview with Lauren Rath, Director of People and Culture at the Pi Group, as she describes in detail how the Pi Group used Method Grid to bring their staff induction to life.

Read how we use Method Grid to induct new team members here at Method Grid!

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