AI Solution Engineering

Our AI-empowered playbook development service offers a collaborative and expert-driven approach to crafting engaging, comprehensive, and easily understandable playbooks.

Merging industry best practices with your unique organisational knowledge, expertise, and training resources, we develop world-class playbooks designed to make capability delivery a repeatable and efficient habit.

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Typical Client Situation/Anxiety

Many organisations, especially so large businesses with a legacy trading history, will know that there is huge untapped value in their proprietary data – which AI has the potential to unleash in forms of smarter analytics, improved management information and enhanced productivity (function/task scaling).

The challenge is often “where to start?” in terms of better understanding the inherent commercial value of this data/information and the development/solution options available to realise such benefits.

If software development is not a core competence of your organisation, you will also seek experienced counsel as to how best go about such an investment in a highly agile, incremental proof-of-value mode.

Our Approach

In support of our clients, we optimally harness all our internal staff capabilities across the necessarily broad frame of: commercial analysis, data engineering, product management, solution design, build, test and release management. This especially so with respect to our AI (machine learning) capabilities – as led by PhD-level practitioners. Our services are highly bespoke to your point on this journey.

For example, for an early stage client we will recommend a short engagement simply to undertake a strategy data audit in order to inform an options analysis on the optimal solution/development path i.e. by addressing two key questions: “what insights/outcomes present you with most value?” and “in this context, how much value lies in your existing data/information set?”.

With informed answers to these questions, we will commend optimal solution architecture and a development roadmap and business case – always with a focus on fast, modular, value-delivering release. For more advanced requirements, we integrate with inhouse IT functions to provide comprehensive, assured software build delivery services (as harnessing our core design>build>test>deploy capabilities in this specialised area).

Proprietary Tools/Resources

As befits a team that has been at the forefront of AI research and software development for many years, we have an array of resources, tools and templates that help expedite and enhance your speed-to-value journey.

This ever-growing knowledge set includes:

  • Method Grid platform – as configured to track and dashboard monitor progress through such a collaborative engagement
  • Benefits Management Framework, Dataset and accompanying toolset
  • AI Solution Prototypes (to help inform ‘art of the possible’ conversations)
  • Trained Large Language (LL) models (as source grounded to specific best-practice scenarios)

Typical Deliverables

Whilst every engagement is contingently unique, typical deliverables within our AI solution engineering engagements are as follows:

  • Strategy audits
  • Data audits
  • Solution architecture (options, recommended)
  • Strategic business case
  • Development roadmap
  • Developed (source grounded, augmented) large language models
  • Developed, fully-tested prototypes and (released) AI solutions.


The benefits of this service proposition will vary according to your point in the innovation lifecycle. At the early, curious stage our deliverables will provide you with informed, investment clarity with respect to development options and commercial opportunities.

Once this progresses into actual solution development mode, the benefits of released solutions, even in contained prototype form, can be significant – albeit as unique to your own contingent circumstances.

We will work closely with you to embed benefits realisation within such an engagement; typical benefit categories include improved: strategic/operational insights, margin improvement, staff productivity and IP asset value.

Testimonial author Testimonial logo

Method Grid has enabled my busy project office team to move from disparate individual systems to a consistent one-team, fully auditable assurance of all estate works at the university. This is improving project oversight which, in turn, is starting to build confidence and trust in reliably delivered projects.

Director, Major Estates Capital Project Office, Oxford Brookes University

GRIDtalk RIBA Project Delivery Playbook | 26th February 1pm Register Here