How to Build World-Class Playbooks
Wednesday, 29th January 2025, 1pm – 2pm
Join us for a demo of the Method Grid platform and the digital playbook concept used by leading organisations such as Network Rail, SSE, MACE, Gleeds, and other consulting firms.
If you’re looking to help teams standardise ways of working, recognise the need to codify services to ease scaling pains or want to build client and investor confidence in your firm’s expertise and IP, this session will be time well spent.
- We will guide you through the dynamic playbook concept and platform.
- A Q&A session where you can ask any questions about the platform, approach, or use cases.
Key Points of the Presentation:
- Our shared problem statement: “High Cost of Poor Quality – through inconsistent delivery.”
- A synopsis of how we solve this problem.
- A demonstration of “Building World-Class Playbooks.”
- Q&A and information about resources and events planned for 2025.
- If you can’t make the session, please register, and we will send you a recording of the event. Feel free to book a one-to-one session if that would be more practical.
Pip Morpeth, Head of Professional Services, Method Grid