In this 45 minute webinar, we will describe our early thinking and initial UX designs for the next major Method Grid release: configuring access control levels.
The ability to configure access control levels within a Method Grid platform (i.e. to restrict which members have access to certain folders/grids) is one of the most popular new feature requests we hear from our user community.
This is going to be one of our most complex releases yet; so, to ensure we develop a solution that works optimally for the majority, we would love to hear all user feedback on our early-stage thinking before we progress to development. This is your chance to shape the feature!
The session will talk through:
(1) High-level logic (for ACL)
(2) Key “user stories” (or common tasks)
(3) Initial UX designs (how the new feature might look/behave)
… and will be conducted very much as a discussion … courting your feedback/views as we go!