How do you make professional service excellence a repeatable habit?

In this free 25-page white paper, we reflect on, and summarise, what we have learned as a function of collaborative-partnering with multiple, leading companies on the journey towards sustainable new habits.

If you seek to successfully embed Method Grid (or indeed any technology that underpins a strategic business capability) then this paper:

Explains the critical capability at the heart of repeatable excellence;
Explains what capability change really means;
Describes the true costs of a capability-enhancement initiative;
Provides advice (and a decision framework) on how to select the right partner; and
Outlines the SEVEN key principles behind successful capability-uplift initiatives.

We hope it helps agitate and inform your own successful growth journeys.

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Implement Method Grid

Implementing Method Grid

Our Implementation Philosophy.

Very early in our growth journey, certainly with respect to our larger, enterprise clients, we realised that we are not just a technology vendor; rather, we are in the business of helping our clients improve and embed their knowledge management (KM) and project management (PM) capabilities.

To treat such a capability-uplift exercise as a simple technology implementation exercise, hugely misses the multi-dimensional nature of such an initiative (we argue that the technology component is but 20-30% of the overall success formula).

Related to this philosophy is another key differentiator of Method Grid: our collaborative implementation services.

As discharged through our expert facilitation team (and via carefully selected GRIDteam partners), we will work closely with you to ensure that any Method Grid professional licence adopts the “Seven Principles” of implementation success.

This support isn’t heavy-handed (indeed, it often consists of just 1-2 days working closely with your organisational leaders); rather, it serves to ensure that our clients fully understand the holistic nature of the exercise and derive maximum benefit from the enabling solution that is Method Grid.

If you would just like to find out more about our implementation service offer, please contact us here.

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