
GRIDtalk: Knowledge Management | A Force and Value Multiplier


In this GRIDtalk, Dom Moorhouse (CEO at Method Grid) is in conversation with Professor Joe O’Mahoney (Professor of Management Consulting at Cardiff University).

They exploring the subject of knowledge management, in the context of professional service firms.

Presentation Highlights: 

  • What knowledge management strategies and practices distinguish the fast-growth, high-value companies from the norm?
  • Why is knowledge management such a central pillar to overall professional service firm effectiveness and value?
  • What does the future hold with the introduction of AI and machine learning into this equation?
  • Practical suggestions to build knowledge management capability in your organisation (as contingent on size/maturity).
  • Q&A following the discussion.


Dom Moorhouse, CEO, Method Grid
Prof. Joe O’Mahoney, Professor of Consulting I Award-Winning Author on Consulting, Cardiff University