
Network Rail - Digital Pace (Public Read Only Platform)


Watch on-demand our exciting GRIDtalk webinar, where we explore the valuable lessons learned from Network Rail’s deployment of Digital PACE. We discuss creating a world-class project delivery playbook for the UK rail industry – integrating knowledge, experience, and standards – to help teams deliver projects in a controlled environment successfully.

Discover how Network Rail, who are at the heart of revitalising Britain’s railway, getting people and goods where they need to be and supporting the economy, leveraged the Method Grid platform to enhance collaboration, showcase their global expertise and customise services.

Gain practical lessons for shaping change that will help you improve your own delivery capabilities – enabling teams to consistently produce high-quality outcomes with less effort.


Pip Morpeth, Head of Professional Services, Method Grid
Emma SmithProject Manager (Change), Network Rail

GRIDtalk RIBA Project Delivery Playbook | 26th February 1pm Register Here