Digital PACE

Method Grid and Network Rail: Digital PACE Part 3 

The third part in our series looking at the launch of Digital PACE.

In the first and second parts of our series on Digital PACE, we discussed different stages of this collaboration between Network Rail and Method Grid. The first part looked at how PACE (Project Acceleration in a Controlled Environment) has previously been used and maintained by Network Rail and the second part looked at how Network Rail leveraged Method Grid to turn PACE into a publicly accessible digital framework. 

From being presented in a spreadsheet format that required modernisation, to the new and improved digital framework, PACE has gone through significant changes. This brings us to the conclusion of this series, where we will look at the launch of and response to Digital PACE, the Read-Only feature and what is in store for the future of Digital PACE. 


Impact of Digital PACE launch

Network Rail’s Digital PACE Framework was launched on the 11th of January, marking a significant leap forward in empowering project management professionals in the UK rail sector with an innovative and comprehensive knowledge resource. 

The Digital PACE Framework, hosted on the Method Grid platform, marks a significant change from what came before it. It is a dynamic and live playbook designed to guide project teams through PACE controls with unparalleled ease and efficiency. Digital PACE has answered the requirements and the challenge laid down by Network Rail, discussed in part one, to provide a user-friendly platform, that is easy to maintain and available to everyone involved in Network Rail project delivery for capital delivery investments.  

Since its launch, internal feedback has been very positive and with plenty of users taking the time to access it. In a short space of time, the framework has already been engaged with over 5,000 times since going live three weeks ago, something which is set to continue in this positive manner. 


Read-Only Framework

The Digital PACE Framework is the first across-industry open-sourced methodology that is publicly accessible by anyone, from anywhere and at any time. Everyone from project managers to stakeholders, in and out of the rail industry can access the framework and gain from the knowledge it contains, applying it throughout a project’s lifecycle. 

We believe that sharing the framework and the information it contains on a large scale will foster a better understanding and application of the PACE principles, thus accelerating project delivery while mitigating risks. 

This Read-Only Framework enables you to have the most up-to-date Network Rail information and templates available, providing access to a mix of easy to digest media – from PDFs to video explainers, which will make sharing best practices easy. The framework will help amplify visibility to the supply chain, making clear the Network Rail project process thus ensuring compliance and consistency. 

You can access the Read-Only Framework here. 


Future of PACE

Whilst it’s gratifying to see that work done on this project has been responded to positively, there are still plenty of opportunities to build on the success of Digital PACE and more to expect in the future. 

Initial plans for Digital PACE see a continuation of the work that has been done, including making it easier for other industries to potentially access and customise PACE to fit their requirements.

At a national level, as agitated by Network Rail, there are discussion across other UK transport departments (highways, aviation etc) as to how the PACE (rail) investment can be further supportive of other such comparable professional communities – extending the freedom for PACE to be further customised to meet such sub-industry regulations, standards and requirements. 

Running concurrently with that, the PACE Local project will allow operations and supply chains in the rail sector (devolved regions etc) to configure PACE for individual projects and programmes, ensuring consistency and compliance with national and local controls. 


Method Grid and Network Rail

Method Grid is an AI-empowered knowledge and project management platform that enables clients to build, deliver, assure and enhance corporate playbooks.   

Using Method Grid, you can develop master playbooks crafted to how you want to deliver projects or a particular service. Once built it is easy to clone and tailor it for each new instance. The result is increased management-ownership for project teams, who can tailor or ‘right size’ a delivery playbook for their specific, local circumstances.  

The full Method Grid licence model, allows such teams to assure delivery – with localised scope customisation, task assignment, (gantt) scheduling, evidence-compliance, stage gates and, post-project delivery, to feedback enhancements to a central ‘master’ playbook – thus enabling a continuous improvement loop.   

Together, the Network Rail and Method Grid collaboration was able to develop Digital PACE – on the Method Grid platform – as an optimised digital playbook for the UK rail industry. 

Thank you for reading this short series on Network Rail and Method Grid’s collaboration. If you would like to learn more about how Method Grid can support your business, please book a demo call with us. 

About the Author

Marketing Manager at Method Grid.

Connect with Tom on LinkedIn

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