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GRIDtalks: Sharing P3M best practices | 2024 in Review

Over the past year, the Method Grid team have held a variety of different GRIDtalks covering topics from across the landscape of P3M best practice. From events held in conjunction with industry thought leaders to our own knowledge sharing, 2024...


Portfolio Gantt Charts & Scheduling

You can now manage multiple project grids in one holistic portfolio Gantt, giving you full 360-degree visibility of all your...


Microsoft Teams Integration Moving to Workflows

On the 3rd July 2024, Microsoft announced the retirement of Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams. The Method Grid Teams...


Gantt Filtering, Assignees and Element Labels

In our latest release we have improved the grid Gantt chart with item assignees, element labels and advanced filtering....


Gantt Work Calendars For Scheduling

You can now configure work calendars for your account which set the days of the week that items in the...


Start of the Week for Calendars

The default start of the week for existing and new Method Grid accounts is Monday. This sets the start of...


Searching Read-only Grids

Note: Read-only grids are not available for all accounts, please contact us if you would like access to this feature....

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Searching Read-only Grids

Note: Read-only grids are not available for all accounts, please contact us if you would like access to this feature. What are read-only grids? Accounts with access to the read-only grids feature can publish any grid in their account as...


Localisation Settings

In our latest release, we have improved the localisation options at the account level and the individual member level....


New Embeds Content Area

You can now embed other platforms into your Method Grid elements and stages gates....


UI Updates and Element Full Screen Option

Continuing the roll out of the UI improvements that started with adding view/tool shortcuts to your grids and elements within...


Grid Task Log Stage Filter

To quickly review and work with all the tasks in specific stages of your project grid, you can now filter...


Search Improvements for Stage Gate Content

When you search Method Grid, you will see results from all the various knowledge areas across Method Grid. This has...


Gantt Export to CSV or XLSX

Exporting your Gantt data is a simple process, but before starting it is important to note the following: The export...

GRIDtalk RIBA Project Delivery Playbook | 26th February 1pm Register Here