
New feature: Video embeds and grid exports

Our latest release contains two requested features: video embeds (additional to YouTube) and the ability to export a grid to an external file.

Lets cover each in turn.

Video embeds

The ability to add a video content area to your elements has been there for a while now – but it was restricted to YouTube urls. Now, using oEmbed, you can add embedded video content from a range of additional third-party video platforms; for example: Vimeo, Wistia and TED. Indeed, with oEmbed, you can now attempt to add the url of any webpage containing an embedded video into an element video content area (most will work). Video is such a powerful medium for capturing  knowledge and enriching methodology/process – so this is an important enhancement for many.

Grid exports

A number of beta users asked for the ability to export grid content out of the Method Grid application. We have now released a working beta of this function. It is accessible from your grid library or from within the action buttons within a specific opened grid. Click the “…” (more) action button dropdown on the grid you seek to export and then the “Export as Excel” button from the dropdown.

This generates an Excel file – the first tab of which captures the stage-theme-element structure of your grid with all subsequent tabs containing the content of each element. All attached files are contained within the generated zip file.

Now, clearly, this is not the most aesthetic of exports (there is no platform like Method Grid for beautifully presenting your content!); rather, the feature exists to enable you to create a file outside the platform which preserves all the logic/structure/content of your developed intellectual property.

Please note this is in beta – so all comments welcome as to how we can improve and whether there are other export file types you would like to see.

Coming next …

We are continuing to work through all the (brilliant) suggestions you have for ongoing product enhancement; so, please keep all feedback and ideas for future improvements/enhancements coming!

Is there a feature you would love to see us add to our development stack? If so, please let us know in the comments below or contact us here.

Still to sign up to Method Grid – start your free trial TODAY.

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